On Monday April 15, I checked out of Marina del Rey – for now anyway.
1,200 miles away: Anacortes, WA (2 hrs north of Seattle).
In January I had flown up to visit Betts Boats with a view to having Betts, build the new boat. [New boat update to follow.] In the short term, there was work to do to my current boat!
The drive with boat in tow, was a long 4.5 days, but it was also a great trip. I met Believers along the way – Rick Leach, Spectra/Katadyn Watermakers, Mitch Perkins, Bob Frost, Gretchen Harmon and the Josephson Family. Thank you all for brightening up my journey!
I lay in the bath in the Flagship Inn of Ashland and made some big decisions. (The Flagship Inn incidentally, reminds me of the Bourne movies. It’s the kind of motel where Matt Damon’s love interest has to dye her hair blond over the bathroom sink!)
At some point along the way, I started calling the boat my Stripy Boyfriend. Heck, Stripes has been my longest relationship! And, it looks like we’re set to be together for some months to come.
Photo diary with captions –
By Lia Ditton|2020-04-10T05:56:24+00:00May 14th, 2019|Blog, Picture Blog|Comments Off on ROAD TRIP WITH STRIPY BOYFRIEND!